What is Black Magic
"Black Magic" is any form of occult ritual, practice or belief system which the observer considers unethical or forbidden by the observer's religious or philosophical beliefs. Therefore the contents of any semantic bag labeled "Black Magic" will differ depending on who's holding the bag.
Then there is the magic of preventing change. The sacrifice of infant humans in order to build up from their undirected energy an astral counterpart of the psyche of the practitioner, ego, id and all. To prolong one's incarnation till the vessel's leaks can no longer be patched in secret clinics. To reincarnate one's entire persona while bypassing spiritual evolution and to reenter this dimension exactly as one left it: privileged and powerful.
"Change is stability," Crowley wrote. But to the baby killing adepts of the Illuminati or New World Order, their species of Magic is not at all black.
So, to repeat: "Black Magic" is any form of occult ritual, practice or belief system which the observer considers unethical or forbidden by the observer's religious or philosophical beliefs.
This is the only correct definition of the term. It applies to all cases, and places the onus of its use correctly upon the user. I would however encourage continued use of the term "Black Magic" simply because the more it is used, the less useful it will become, and like all useless terms eventually disappear from the language.
Hasnul Hisham bin Ruslan (G75361)
Black magic or dark magic is a form of sorcery that draws on assumed malevolent powers. This type of magic would be invoked to kill, to steal, to injure, to cause misfortune or destruction, or for personal gain without regard to harmful consequences to others. As a term, "black magic" is normally used to describe a form of ritual that some group or person does not approve of. Not everything that is called black magic truly has malevolent intentions behind it, and some also consider it to have beneficial and benevolent uses, such as killing off diseases or pests (or rather, the effect itself is malevolent by causing death to insects, but as an indirect consequence of black magic, good sometimes results, in the form of less pests around, etc).
In fiction it refers to evil magic. In many video games, such as Final Fantasy, black magic is simply used to distinguish between healing/defensive spells (such as cure) and offensive/elemental spells (such as fire), and does not carry an inherent good or evil connotation.
Black magic does not involve death and destruction, as you imply. Black magic recognizes the essence of magic is in life, and relishing life, black magic works to preserve and advance life. White magic works to balance life and death, worshipping the idea of balance. Black magic works to advance life over death, seeing this specific balance as one which needs to be defeated for the sake of life and the living.
Black magic involves finding and breaking the barriers to individuality and independent power that abound in today's universe. The barriers that white magicians erect to protect and maintain their world are the barriers which the black magicians tear down in order to create their world.
Black magic involves finding those things which need to be done and doing them, regardless of the moment's popular conception of whether these things are good or bad. Black magic also involves identifying those things which are not necessary, and avoiding confusion and interference with progress by avoiding being involved with those things which are not necessary.
Black magic involves looking about with clear eyes, intelligence and wisdom, and seeing what is right or wrong with the world, and what is right or wrong with the self. Black magicians work to improve and advance the self first, and to improve and advance the world when we can. We take responsibility for each and every action and for each and every inaction we take.
MAGIC can be as "harmless" as horoscopes or interpretation of dreams to "serious" fortune-telling per "palmistry" to "sticks" or "tea-leaves" to the casting of spells ...invoking Satan, Devil, Genies or Demons and others.
It is said that Satan teaches Man ...Magic, and thus the practice of devotion to other than The Creator.
True it is there is power in magic ...
BUT we have been taught by The Prophets that there is The Greatest Power ...
OR The Only Power and no other ...which is to be sought by every Man.
In my understanding, Magic distracts Man from finding his potential ...or true-self ...or his destiny or fate - whatever that may be ...
And of course this partly explains why Islam and Muslims are the greatest threat and, therefore, enemy of the current day Magicians-Satanists and their New World Order.
Mohd. Azril bin Kapli (G76169)
Many people have tried to define Satanism. I have tried myself...
It's a subject I have given a lot of thought to, and I think that the modern phenomena of Satanism is more closely associated with government mind control cults and teenagers than the true black magic rituals that have been practiced throughout the ages.
Just recently I found an article on the RMNews Updates that talked about the rise in human sacrifice like the Aztecs did. The article said the reason for the rise is because the people who are practicing it discovered that the Aztecs who practiced it had one of the most powerful and highly developed societies on earth... this is THEIR reasoning... not mine... needless to say, they didn't cover the fact that a Christian country, Spain, wiped them out... not with war but with plague... hmmm... maybe God had a hand in it???
Anyway, around the world... in the headlines, we can see the rise of cannibalism... the person who eats the flesh of another is supposed to gain the power of the one they eat...
human sacrifice
I think it is time that we begin to define what each of them is... since in my humble opinion... NO ONE has yet done this.
black magic
illuminati ritual
human sacrifice cults
pedophiles and pedophile murder
Why are these in the news right now? Why does there seem to be a rise in these stories?
I had to come face to face with this subject and its grotesque ramifications when one of my sources informed me that Princess Diana had been marked for death by her father who pledged her sacrifice before she was even conceived. Why did he do it? I was told he did it to insure success for himself and his posterity.
The man who gave me the information said that her father renigged on the deal, and was killed about a year before Diana was sacrificed. Do I believe this? I don't know... but it does fit with much of the symbology of her murder.
Some people have speculated that Scott Peterson belonged to a satanic club at the college he attended in San Luis Opisbo. Did he make the same agreement that Diana's father made? Did he promise his first born and then renig?
Will we ever know the truth. One thing I am certain of is the human sacrifice, black magic, mind controll satanism triangle that exists in the modesto area more than likely involves politicians, law enforcement and judges. How do the people get the truth when the controlled media is controlled by the very people who want to keep all of this quiet? And not only this, they get their stories from people who have a LARGE interst in keeping everything buried.
The following is the first installment in this series. As I get more time, I will weigh in with more of my thoughts on this complicated and complex subject...
Amran bin Che Meh (G75320)
I heard the part in which you commented about Satanism. If I was to simply define Satanism, and this definition may not be found in a dictionary nor may anyone else agree with it,
it would be the use of negative energy from the astral realm via sexual magic performed by those with certain genetic lineages to manifest or create an agenda on the physical plane.
(Genetics are extremely important to the Illuminati and define, for them, what a person's role will be in this reality whether they are aware of it or not.)
It also involves the sacrifice and mutilation of human bodies as offerings to the gods and the ingestion of fluids and body parts to give the participants of the sacrificial ceremonies power.
Those that are sacrificed also have certain genetics. Blood, organs, bones and endocrine glands contain powerful substances and information. Hunters of old and indigenous tribes of today understand this knowledge when killing animals for sustenance.
Something I find interesting is... if one looks at many ancient cultures, the ritual ceremony of sacrificing humans and animals and the ingestion of these in order to influence and appease various astral gods, was an open and accepted practice.
At some point in history, these activities went mostly underground! There are many levels to this reality we exist in that did not just appear in the last century. We may have become aware of these practices recently but that does not mean they have not been occurring all along. The actual history and function of the human race has been a well kept secret.
I know people, in general, do not like considering that these activities take place all over the world and there may be adamant disbelief. People may become quiet or feel revolted and angry, and may wish to "tune out" upon reading about these subjects. Very understandable to say the least! However, there are three upcoming "unholy" days this month that I am aware of: Friday the 13th, the full moon and the summer solstice.
From my own observations, it seems the world does not know which way to go right now. Things seem aimless, though very violent, chaotic and disturbing, and as if the world energy is swirling around in circles. There is much sabotage going on between various opposing groups at all levels. In spite of this we are watching the world leaders install their so called road map to peace in the Middle East. What an oxymoron! The upcoming ritual days may serve to solidify the ongoing plans of the NWO.
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